Thursday, October 20, 2011


Assalamualaikum semua :)

im busy working today, when i got the chance to see my phone, there is a message from my sister in law gonna be.. she said that Twilight : Breaking Dawn book is already at her house at Gombak. Unfortunately im currently at Penang now..if not now  i'll be taking tren to get the book at her house.. HAHA.. i cant wait to read the book.. please post it a.s.a.p yer kak rose.. 

my elder brother said that he gave some money to k.rose to buy this book for me.. wahhh, im so lucky to get a brother like him.. (BODEK3) when i was at semester 1, on his birthday, i ask him to buy me a laptop and guess what, i got one... he buy me the latest DELL Laptop at that time.. 

this is my laptop :)

actually this is the expensive thing i ever ask from him.. and i ask it on his birthday, not mine..wakaka.. and now i ask an expensive book too.. i dont know where k.rose bought it, but i think the current price is MAHAL.. heee..

please, please..hurry up..come to mummy yer.. and last but not least, thank you to my elder brother and k.rose for making my wish come true, till then, BUIBUI ;)

bace jek? komen lah cikit, dont shy-shy cat ;P

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