Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Assalamualaikum semua ;)

i thought that i wanna share some pictures taken from bazar ramadhan in front of my house.. but then, it seem that my bluetooth device is not functioning anymore.. sobssss ;(

so, what can i do is just tell u a story of this bazar w/out a picture..xbest kan? before dis bazar's open, there is about 89 lots been marks in front of my house..its actually not really in front of my house since i live in shop lot apartment, but i can see through my balcony what they were selling n of course everyday i'll be aiming some food to be bought later on..

today i went down with 10 ringgits in my pocket (thank God i dont bring my purse).. i bought tepung pelita, pedal percik (pedal ayam is my feberet although they said it is not good for student to eat it, but i dont care,wakaka) and nasik kerabu.. oh my.. nasik kerabu is my feberet.. althought it is quite expensive but nevermind, sekali sekala kan..and also i bought air jagung,the small one, i cant buy the big one bcoz if i drink it, then i'll will not finish eating my food,then membazir lorh..

there is a variety of food sold in dis bazar, but frankly speaking, dis bazar is not big and long enough.. i've been seen a big bazar than dis..hehe.. it started to rain outside, fortunately i went down early..sellers and buyers, enjoy the rain, heeeeeeeeeeeeee.. it is a bless from Allah, dont ever dislike it okeh..

bace jek? komen lah cikit, dont shy-shy cat ;P

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